Casey Anthony Files for Bankruptcy

Casey Anthony is the Florida woman who was infamous in the news a few years ago for being charged with her toddler daughter’s murder. The case, which made headlines and was a prominently featured news story across the country, resulted in her acquittal of the murder charge in 2011. Now, she’s making headlines for a different reason.

As reported by the Huffington Post, a bankruptcy judge recently relieved Casey Anthony from most of her debt obligations, ruling that what she owes is discharged, with the exceptions of student loan debt or any criminal fines previously imposed. In her petition from earlier this year, Anthony claimed she had about $1,000.00 worth of assets and $792,000.00 of debt, most of which is a comprised of legal bills she incurred during her court case. She also reported being unemployed with no recent income.

In November of 2013, the federal bankruptcy judge approved a settlement between Anthony and a search group, Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery, which helped look for her daughter when she was missing. Anthony did not report the child missing until a month after she disappeared in 2008.  The child’s remains were found in December of that year, almost six months after she had originally gone missing.

According to the terms of the settlement agreement, Equusearch will have a claim of $75,000.00 in Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy case. However, whether they will actually collect anything remains unclear. It will be up to the trustee assigned to Anthony’s bankruptcy case to pay her creditors. Most of the debts that existed when Anthony filed for bankruptcy have been discharged, but not all.  Debts not typically discharged in bankruptcy include taxes, domestic support obligations, student loans, and debts for personal injuries or death caused by operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Not many people would express feelings of sympathy toward Casey Anthony. In fact, most people share views of her guilt, considering her suspicious behavior surrounding the disappearance of her daughter and some of the other facts that became public knowledge during her court case. However, the fact remains that many people may find themselves in a financial situation similar to Anthony’s, where their income to debt ratio is so drastically unbalanced that bankruptcy may be their only option.

If you or someone you know are suffering from financial hardship, consulting an experienced bankruptcy attorney in Florida can help you get informed about your options and the relief that is available to you. The attorneys at Hoffman, Larin, and Agnetti, P.A., have guided clients through the bankruptcy process and helped them achieve debt relief. Contact us today for a consultation.